明牯工作室 - 嵌入式软件服务

TortoiseGit With Beyond Compare 3

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  • Launch TortoiseGit | Settings

  • Switch to the Diff Viewer section under External Programs

  • Change the radio buttons from TortoiseMerge to External.In the path edits, enter:

    • “D:\Program Files (x86)\Beyond Compare 3\BComp.exe” %base %mine /title1=%bname /title2=%yname /leftreadonly


  • Launch TortoiseGit | Settings

  • Switch to the Merge Tool section under External Programs

  • Change the radio buttons from TortoiseMerge to External.In the path edits, enter:

    • “D:\Program Files (x86)\Beyond Compare 3\BComp.exe” %mine %theirs %base %merged /title1=%yname /title2=%tname /title3=%bname /title4=%mname